The Capitalist Ideal The worker is encouraged to work hard for his bosses, that he may himself become a boss, and thus, wealthy. However, this may only be obtained via the sacrifice of one's integrity. In order to gain the favor of the bosses, the worker must stab his fellows in the back, creating further opportunities for the bosses to exploit the working class. Seldom does the American ideal of hard work equals reward come to fruition. More frequently, the good work of the poor is used as a stepping stone by the lower bosses; "look how I can take advantage of those under me". The bosses are raised in their ranks based on their abilities to play the sentiments of the working class against each other. The same is true for management; the lower levels are used by those higher, while the highest reap the highest rewards, brought about by the work of the lowest, the common worker. The few examples of a worker rising to the height of the managerial or ownership positions is propagandized as the realization of the American Dream, rather than the manufactured bait that it truly is. We workers are told of the glory that is wealth. We are exposed from our first moments to our last the glory of money, all the while being told by the cynical and hypocritical few that money is the root of evil (Though these same few seek wealth as readily and as desperately as the next man). We are told by others who seek wealth that this wealth can make no man happy, and that it is the mind of a man, rather than his wallet, which determines his standing in life. We are tricked, thoroughly and endlessly, into beleiving that we must be rich to be happy, by men who are themselves becoming rich by our efforts. The carrot of advancement and its inevitable happiness is dangled before our noses blatantly and shamelessly by others who seek more, and more, and yet more, because we are all trained that more is better, and most is best.
What few realize is that happiness manifests itself, unbidden, in small doses. The refreshment of ageless of water after hard and heavy work; the temporary, recurring joy of love, averaged into a feeling said to be permanent, the brief ecstasy of orgasm, these are happiness. While a man may feel content, there is no end to the problems of life, save death, which fear is itself exploited by the business of organized religion. A man may feel himself to be happy for a time, while deep introspection will reveal that in fact, he is more often consumed by worry and fear than bliss. The briefness of happiness is imagined to stretch, to cover all aspects of life. Happiness is averaged out into a general feeling, to hide from the darkness men feel within their souls, rather than enjoyed when it occurs, and hoped for when it is absent. The man who has peace does not live; The man who pretends continual happiness lies, more to himself than to any other, in order to protect himself from the truth. This is not a sad thing, this delicacy of joy. It is well experienced and little aknowledged that deprivation breeds longing, which, when satisfied, is the greatest of joys. We know this, and yet do not accept it. Rather than savor the anticipation and longing, we demand immediate satisfaction. This we are given by the rich, because the more we receive, the more we are trained to desire.
Democracy does not work. In a small society, comprised of people working toward a common ground, a democracy works fine, but in a large society, where each man thinks (due to capitalist propaganda) he is working for himself, the society is pulled in many directions, and each will do what he thinks is best for himself, though of course this is probably what is best for his superior, and he is tricked into believing it is the best for himself. As such, a democracy of 300 million will be pulled in as many directions as there are people voting and giving their opinions. Honor and integrity are not admitted into such a system. Each looks out for his own, or at least believes he is doing so, and those who are willing to abandon their honor take advantage of this situation by presenting lies and misdirection as truth. They take advantage of human nature. They draw battle lines, such as 'democrat' and 'republican', and convince you that you must pick a side, or your opinion is meaningless. National issues are presented as group ideals; if you agree with one, you must agree with the others, or be lost in the backwater of irrelevance. They play the groups of ideals against each other, and are so ingrained in these ideals that they identify themselves with them, so even the powerful are unaware they are taking advantage of our nature as humans to pick sides. They know only that they must use the people below them, the common worker who votes, to gain yet more power. The powerful are in these times as ignorant of their conditioning as are we. They, too, believe they must strive for more and more. It is our nature to be the best. |
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